
Guild Mission Statement:

To provide a forum for local quilters of every interest level to meet together 
on a monthly basis to promote the art of quiltmaking, in order to:

* Learn new quilting techniques

Teach quilting & related sewing skills to one another

* "Sew & Tell" current projects and ideas;
provide encouragement and support for each other

* Provide opportunities for charity service to our community

* Have Fun!



Meetings * Membership * Dues

MEETINGS: Regular guild meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. unless otherwise designated for specific occasions such as Retreats, Holidays, etc.

MEMBERSHIP / DUES: Membership in the Heber Valley Quilters Guild renews annually, beginning in January of each year. Membership is open to adults age 18 and over.  Additional fees may be assessed for special events to cover costs of instructor or activity. Funds received for dues will be collected by the Treasurer, and held in the guild banking account to fund guild activities such as, but not limited to:  Guest presenter fees, monthly drawing prizes, small birthday gifts for guild members, handouts, etc.

HEBER VALLEY QUILTERS MEMBERSHIP: $30 annual dues.  Full Membership entitles the member to access to the guild's "Members Only" page on the guild website, access and participation in the guild's other social media platforms, to receive monthly newsletters and email correspondence, attendance at guild meetings and workshops, and eligibility for door prizes and drawings.
HVQ REMOTE MEMBERSHIP: $15 annual dues.  Remote Membership receives most of the same benefits as above with attendance at remote meetings only, and are not eligible for door prizes and drawings.

UTAH QUILT GUILD MEMBERSHIP: Heber Valley Quilters (HVQ) is a charter chapter of the Utah Quilt Guild.  At least three members of HVQ, one of which must be the president, must maintain membership in the Utah Quilt Guild to keep charter active. 



* Board Members *

Executive Board Members include the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Historian. 


Nominations for new board members will be held annually in October.  Terms are generally for one year, beginning in January.  A person may combine duties, and may hold the same position for as long as desired.  Responsibilities are listed as follows:

* President ~ Outline and arrange guild activities and programs for the year.  Conduct meetings.  Plan and coordinate meetings for board members and committees.  Prepare annual budget.  One of two signers on guild checking account.  Annual Utah Quilt Guild and Heber Valley Quilters' membership dues paid by HVQ.

Vice President / President Elect ~ Support President; serve as President the following term.  Conduct meetings in absence of President.  Coordinate various guild activities such as, but not limited to: Tip of the Month, Door Prizes, and an annual HVQ Quilt Show.

* Secretary / Treasurer ~
SECRETARY: Keep record of all past and present membership.  Keep a record of minutes/outline of guild meetings for guild history.

TREASURER: One of two signers on guild checking account.  Collect annual dues from members. Maintain a record of funds received and distributed (balance checking account), report annually.

* Historian / Webmistress ~ Maintain ongoing history/files of all guild newsletters, photos, articles and activities as a permanent history of the guild.  Annual membership dues paid by HVQ.

* Additional Board Members and Committee Chairs ~ Guild President may assign as needed for particular guild activities which may include the following:



* Newsletter Editor ~ Compile monthly newsletter of guild announcements and activities. Send emails to members regarding guild meeting reminders and relevant information. 

* Social Media Chair ~ Maintain and update social media page (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) as a living, interactive scrapbook of guild activities.  Take pictures at guild meetings or other guild events, or arrange for pictures to be taken by someone in attendance.  Work with Historian to archive guild photos for history.  

Charity Quilt Committee Chair ~ Coordinate charity activity/activities for guild members to participate in quilting projects to benefit our community.  

Retreat Chair ~ Form a committee and plan the annual guild retreat:  Classes, activities, food assignments, location, etc.

* Friendship Block Exchange Coordinator ~ Organize groups, set guidelines and a schedule to create and trade quilt blocks with others in the group.

* Round Robin Exchange Coordinator ~ Organize groups, set guidelines and monitor schedule to add borders and rotate with others in the group(s).

* Door Prize Coordinator ~ Collect and dispense door prize(s) for drawings at monthly guild meetings for those in attendance.  Funded by membership dues.

* Birthday Chairperson ~ Collect and dispense small birthday gift to guild members with birthdays each month.  Funded by membership dues.

* Block of the Month Chair ~
Select a new block design each month;  educate guild members regarding each particular block.

* Design Challenge Chair ~ Issue an annual design challenge theme for the guild. Apply for funds from Utah Quilt Guild to be used for prizes.

* Refreshment Coordinator ~ Provide sign-up lists; contact members regarding refreshments at each guild meeting.