Guild Mission Statement
To provide a forum for local quilters of every interest level
to meet together on a monthly basis
to promote the art of quiltmaking, in order to:
* Learn new quilting techniques
* Teach quilting & related sewing skills to one another
* "Sew & Tell" current projects and ideas;
provide encouragement and support for each other
* Provide opportunities for charity service to our community
* Have Fun!

About Us
Members of this group span a wide range of ages and quilting experience, but our common passion and the joy of quilting is what stitches us all together.
Membership in the guild entitles you to monthly newsletters, access to the guild's website, our Facebook page, Member pricing for our annual retreat and other exclusive information for Members Only.
Under the direction of this year's guild president, Cindy Blackburn, we look forward to a fun-filled year of quilting together, learning from each other and sharing our quilting accomplishments!
Guild meetings usually include a lesson on a particular technique, but the highlight of the night is always "Sew & Tell"! This is an opportunity to share our ideas and projects with each other. Bring items that you've been working on, show us what you've made, share what you love about quilting or sewing. You can't find a more appreciative audience!
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